This is a second chance to tell the Forest Service NO MINING URANIUM at MT. TAYLOR! Friday May 31, 2013, 4 PM Forest Service Office 2113 Osuna Rd. N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87113
Draft: Movement Agreements Revised
Proposed revisions to the current Movement Agreements, drafted by Hershe & Henry. The idea was floated at last week’s GA. There will be discussion of this proposal at next Sunday’s GA on February 3rd. Please come prepared to discuss. Existing Agreements in no particular order, with deletions & revisions noted: We are non-violent. We respect […]
Link: Radical Resistance Tour, on (un)Occupy ABQ

Updated: Now with video! Radical Resistance Tour: At the Occupy National Gathering this past July, we found ourselves completely in awe of two people who spoke at a group discussion on people of color and Occupy hosted by organizers of (A)GITAT(E), an anarchist convergence happening concurrently. After a long conversation on the grass, we learned […]
Fundraiser to help LANL 6 on Jan. 6th in Santa Fe

LANL 6 Solidarity Party:
IdleNoMore Flashmob Sat. 12/29/12
From Susan Eswonia and IreneBo Edwards: Saturday Dec. 29th at 2:00pm Please go to IDLE NO MORE- Albuquerque, NM and surrounding area group page for more information on FACEBOOK Our 3rd flash mob Saturday, December 29, 2012 2PM Old Town Plaza Park, Albuquerque, NM Abq area let’s show our support and round dance in old […]
How does it suck? Keystone XL & the Tar Sands

Fort McMurray, Alberta / Kris Krüg / CC-NC-SA PDF Flyer version here. The Keystone XL pipeline is TransCanada Corp.’s expansion to the Keystone 1, to bring Alberta Tar Sands crude to the Texas coast for export. Tar sands oil is filthy, using 2 tons of tar sand and 2-5 barrels of water for a single […]
Thursday Nov. 1st GA & Work Session
Notes below, but first, the important times & dates for our action in the Dia de los Muertos – Marigold Parade: Saturday – 1pm – Yale Park Finessing the pipe, making or finishing signs, banners, etc. for the parade. Collecting all the supplies in one place, loosely figuring out roles, timing, etc. Sunday – Parade […]
Trial for the first of Los Alamos 6- press release Update: 9/17/2012 Trial has been postponed. Date TBA. Sept. 18 First “Los Alamos Six” Trial Posted by lajicarita ⋅ September 17, 2012 ⋅ Leave a Comment Filed Under Bechtel Corporation, Catherine Euler, Judge Alan Kirk, Los Alamos Six Catherine “Wind” Euler. Photo by Kay Matthews Editor’s note: as the first of the “Los Alamos […]
Stand for Justice! – Trial for Paul Chacho: Assaulted students for speaking out
This afternoon, one of the lead attackers of students at the Nonie Darwish speech/mic-check last February, Paul Chacho, a former UNM employee, will face the first of two charges of battery at Metro Court. Come dressed in a color, or colors, of the Palestinian flag, (green, red, white, or black) and show your support for […]
The Medicine for the People event is seeking food donations!!!FOR EVENT JULY 14th
The Medicine for the People by the People working group is asking that all food donations for the Sat. July 14th event be brought to : Endorphin Power Company 509 Cardenas Dr. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 Two days away! FOOD DONATIONS today and tomorrow! The Medicine for the People event is seeking food donations!!! If […]