Sunday Feb. 24th GA

Seven present.


Henry who works with Citizen Action had announcements on
calls to state legislators and a demonstration on 2/27 about the mixed waste
landfill and the unsafe nuclear waste stored there. These announcements were sent out to the listserv earlier this week.

The Larry Casuse Memorial will be held in the UNM SUB Grand Ballroom on March
3rd at 2PM


May Day

The initial meeting was held at the Frontier. The May Day event
will be on May 1st 2013 at 5 PM. Details still need to be worked out.
Ideas include the themes of working Class Solidarity, and a March to Cure
Capitalism. It will be important to message on decolonization. Next
Meetings will be March 7th and March 21st at 6:30 PM at the Frontier Rug

Medicine for the People

The Health Fair will be held on Saturday April
27th at Endorphin Power Company. Volunteers will arrive for training and
set up at 9 AM and the Health Fair will begin at 12 noon. The event still
needs translators (Spanish, Vietnamese, etc), volunteers, practitioners,
food donations, someone to do childcare and children’s activities,
videographers, and people to contact and publicize the event to the press
and media. People can also contact Monica or Maria for more info if they
can’t make the meetings.

Idle No More/DeBeers Mine protest in Canada

Amalia briefly filled us in on current situation. Briefly, there was a blockade of the road leading to
the mine. One woman who has cancer took a stand and continued the blockade
after the council decided to allow the mine to reopen and to try to
negotiate with the company. Amalia probably knows more about this issue
and could be contacted if anyone wants more info or has questions.

Restorative Justice

We will read the articles sent out by Tina and
Santosh (thanks!) and continue our discussion of this important issue at a
future GA when we feel more prepared.

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