Sunday Feb. 10th GA

10 present


Medicine for the People

The health fair is scheduled for Saturday April 27th from 9am-6pm at the Endorphin Power Company. Positive that they invited them back for a second year. The gym will be open, and trainers will be present to help out. Music as Healing session. They are looking for Vietnamese speakers and healers, as well as sign language translators. If you know anyone that would be useful, let us know. The next meeting is Monday, at 10 am at Flying Star in Nob Hill. They are also looking for a Media team to do outreach and record the event.

Sandia Labs & KAFB Vigil

Chuck Hosking, a life-long fellow activist, will be marking the 30th anniversary of his peace vigil that he has held every Friday. If you’d like to come, it will be held at the Wyoming Gate (Take Central East, and take a right on Wyoming until you see a man holding a huge banner… it’s hard to miss). 3:30-5:00 pm this Friday the 15th.

1 Billion Rising

Thursday Feb. 14th: Noon at the Albuquerque Civic Plaza, and @ 6pm, outside Popejoy Hall
On V-Day’s 15th Anniversary, 14 February 2013, we are inviting ONE BILLION women and those who love them to WALK OUT, DANCE, RISE UP, and DEMAND an end to this violence. ONE BILLION RISING will move the earth, activating women and men across every country. V-Day wants the world to see our collective strength, our numbers, our solidarity across borders.

For more info on events happening in NM:

Report Backs

Leonard Peltier Event

Went smoothly, good turnout. (un)Occupy raised $40 to go towards our fundraising for Black Mesa. $100 was also raised for Leonard’s commissary. One of the things that was a concern was the lack of women speakers, especially since the woman from Idle No More sadly couldn’t make it due to weather.

Peabody Coal

Action was held at Peabody coal headquarters in St. Louis. A few Dine elders spoke. The activists had letters to hand to Peabody but no one came and accepted them. It was a great action for Alliance building, between groups back east in Appalachia and groups in the west, like Black Mesa. This is a pretty cool website around this:


Restorative Justice

Loren did not show up at this meeting. We continued the discussion about what we should do in terms of Loren and anyone who is violent and disrespectful. We agreed that we will ask Loren to not come back for 6 months, which then gives us time to research and discuss restorative justice and other alternative ways of handling these issues, as well as upholding our camp agreements. Some questions that came up were: How do we decide when one is worthy to come back to the group? Should it be a time frame, or a “judgment” of behavior? How does one judge this?

May Day

The initial planning meeting will be NEXT Thursday, the 21st of February at 6:30 in the Rug Room of Frontier Restaurant. This will be a brainstorming opportunity to what the march will look like (Encuentro is not organizing it this year). We need to contact different groups that would like to be a part of the planning process and in order for them to plan for attending.

Black Mesa

The caravan for coalition building will take place end of May. We need to start thinking about fundraising… Bake sale, t-shirt making, Info booth at Yale park?

Tar Sands Blockade

We had a new person come to the meeting who has been a part of the blockade and was looking to perhaps get an action together on the week of the 16th-27th of March, which many groups all around the country will be doing actions at TransCanada headquarters. What could we do here in Albuquerque, and how can we connect this issue locally? One idea: The pipeline will run over the Oglala aquifer, which provides water to eastern New Mexico.

Camp Agreements

Continued discussion. We would like to have a non-violent/diversity of tactics discussion when Sayrah and John are present, because they seemed to express importance in this discussion.

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