GA Minutes – Thursday, April 12, 2012

4 to 7 people in attendance
-April 28th there is a march for women up at the roundhouse in Sante Fe.

– We will be doing Mock wall work all next week

– There will be a March from UNM Lobo Park to Robinson Park on May Day starting at 4:30 P.M.

– The March against UNM’s 1% is on Thursday at 12pm

– There will be an event on tax day supporting the idea that real patriots pay their taxes.

Mock Wall – Why does UNM want (un)occupy to protect the mock wall?

Proposal: Determine who requested something of us and what did they request of us? Ask the mock wall group to inform us about this anti-vandalism action. also ask if they need support.

Proposal: We will make a decision about sending a letter written by Sean to the Daily Lobo on Sunday.
may day – Some posters made. and March against 1%. Do more stuff.

May Day – Not much done.

making a rule about announcements:
Proposal: All announcements will be delivered to the moderator before the GA in writing, either through the website or in person. All other announcements must be delivered after the GA.
Concensed, 1 stand aside.

Finishing up the working group stuff:
Proposal: The media, web-site, outreach, and national/international conference call working groups will be rolled into the outreach working group.
Concensed, 1 stand aside.

How we see our selves in the next few months (politics): A good discussion about have more discussion groups whose purpose will be about figuring out what (un)occupy should be focusing on/what we should say about big questions (like the potential war with IRAN).

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