GA notes 10 May, 2012
• Mic cheque or other action to call out against oil and gas 14-18 May in Santa Fe. Lisa is sending details.
• Alan Valdez suggested “occupying the ballot box” at Martin Heinrich’s office 6th and Silver at 1 pm on 21 May. More info at [email protected].
Working Group reports
Foreclosure – Amalia and Ilse share accounts of the excellent, focused action at BofA, Tuesday, May 9. Next Foreclosure action – Thursday, May 24. Details to come.
Camp Agreements for Social Media: statement has been posted about block. Media admins will formulate some commensurate camp agreements.
Listserve: Consensus: Sayrah and Sean will set up listserve through This will be used only for unOccupyABQ events notifications. Email Sayrah or Sean if you want to be included on list.
PNM: shareholder meeting action 15 May at PNM headquarters between 4th and 5th on Silver. Inside action (separate from proxy/proxies) planned. Possibly a sit-in in atrium. Training Sunday 5-7 pm in Santa Fe; Monday in ABQ, time to be determined. Inside team would have to be ready at 8 am on the day. Outside action possibly die-in plus human blockade (handing out flyers that include people’s response to PNM issues to stockholders). Also provide solidarity for inside action. Hershe is ABQ magnet. Contact her if you can be involved.
Truthdig: (online news magazine) is organizing a conference in Santa Fe May 20-24 for “concerned citizens to explore current problems.” Registration starts at $2500 per person. Chris Hedges is set to speak about the Occupy movement as someone who has been “arrested at Occupy.” unOccupyABQ contacted Zuade Kaufman, one of truthdig’s co-founders and asked if 3 of us from OSF and unOcccupyABQ could attend. We let her know we wouldn’t need hotel accomodations, massages, or tours to Ghost Ranch but just wanted to be a part of the discussions and Q&As. She let us know that, though they supported our cause, it wouldn’t be possible for us to attend and then invited us to an event coordinated by OSF’s Sheridan Phillips where Bob Shreer, co-founder of truthdig would be giving his “take on the economic meltdown.” We contacted Sheridan and found that the hush, hush event is for a handful of handpicked OSF activists. She said 3 of us could come and speak very briefly about unOccupy but we couldn’t tell anyone else.
Group feedback on how to respond? Should we attend and then speak out about the hypocracy? Should we picket outside? Should we blast their emails all over social media?
Consensed with one stand-aside: email brief responses to Zuade and Sheridan declining their invitation and stating our critique of the elitistism of their events.
Los Alamos [3-6 August, 2012]: is the coalition group that has been meeting for the last few months. They have 3-days of activities planned for Aug. 3-5 unOccupyABQ has been invited to take the lead on organizing direct action/civil disobedience for Monday, 6 August. Concerns about top-down planning for larger action. Informal agreement tonight that we will do a temperature check this coming week with people we know on how we can be of service in this action. Let Amalia know if you have energy and time to be involved in this action as well as when you will be available. Come to Thursday GA next week to help decide issue.