Oct 22nd Day of Protest against police brutality March from Mayor’s Office at 1 pm ending at the ABQ Police Department on 4th and Roma NW, for a candlelight vigil to begin at dusk.
Contact: Vecinos United // (505) 712-5837 //
Oscar Olivera Foronda of Cochabamba, Bolivia spoke about (un)Occupy as an example of the importance of People’s Movements as a way to have change not relying on governments. Lorraine from Espanola, a member of the Iroquois Nation spoke about collaboration regarding activities up north and how (un)Occupy might brainstorm ideas on direct action.
Aztatl is in need of visitors. You can be connected and sign up for any shifts to visit at UNMH.
Go to the link:
Day of the Dead Parade is Nov. 4th. Maria will sign up (un)Occupy for a float.
Peace Studies is creating a city-wide community calendar and mailing list of events, as part of a reboot/restructuring of their listserv. Sean is involved.
Derrick and Liza will be visiting next week.
Hershe is hoping to visit ABQ at the end of Oct.
Action Ideas
- Dia De Los Muertos Parade
- Lorraine in Española
- ANSWER event: 500 Years of Resistance (They’re looking for speakers for Nov. 3rd event)
Request for Solidarity with Grand Jury Resistors
Started with investigation into anarchists in the NW around March of 2012. There was a raid on a house looking for clothing, banners and literature. This is an effort to force testimony- but folks have refused to testify and have been charged with contempt of court. They are jailed until the grand jury is dismantled. Sentences could be up to a year and half. Several are serving time now. There was consensus that (un)Occupy will sign a letter of support. Summer will follow up.
More info:
Pam Lipper’s Foreclosure
Pam is planning to appeal her case. The sheriff has said they will not evict while an order has an outstanding appeal. As of now there is no new information to report.
TEWA Women United
Amalia asked for permission to reach out and contact them. Suggest to visit them, anyone interested in coming contact Amalia. Sayrah goes regularly to Espanola on Thurs. and Fri. She can leave from Yale Park around 9PM. Amalia will see what works for Tewa Women United and report back.
Trial has been moved to Jan 11th. It’s unclear if all trials are consolidated or if Wind’s case is separate. Next Trinity Nuclear Abolition vigil: Wednesday 17 October 2012 10:30am to 12:30pm
Check for the latest vigil updates
Potluck to creatively brainstorm about movement, focus, etc. Proposal: each person state 2 issues that they feel passionate about. [Not to create discrete single-issue focus, but to look for commonalities.]
Sat. Oct 20th at 6:30pm
Visioning / Movement Strategy
Recap of similar discussion after last Saturday’s anti-war rally
Conversation after Anti-War demonstration focused on “What moves people?” Women’s Rights, Indigenous Rights, Anti-War, Actions that include theater to move people deeper, explore critical thinking skills, alternative governance, direct democracy
Discussion Points
There is a need for personal motivation, to find commonality between us. The tension between the single issue vs. broader narrative… What is our commitment to see an issue through? Broader view of “What would the revolution look like?” Perhaps the broader purpose of seeing interconnection of issues is the key. Intersectionality of issues, ability to see “How do I connect to this issue?” Picking an issue to generalize and inter-connect, self education and strengthening our ability to understand and speak on issues.
Conflict of movement for action vs. organizing on specific issue. The 501c(3) dilemma and individual organizations fragmented efforts. A need to work beyond our divided community –need for collaboration–living the society we want to have… [Building the society you want to see, in the shell of the old/living as if you’re already free] Explore the “Big Map” idea of Camilo’s [Mapping out community groups, who they are, what the do, and where they are active. Looking for connections and places to focus on.]
Physical Prescence / Winter Meeting Place
Lauren is looking for abandon buildings, contacting owners…keeping it safe and trying to fix it up. We need to clarify about what does “taking space” mean? Don’t want to re-create dominant culture issues. Monetary burden is a concern; sustainability/feasibility. Being visible for GA’s is important. Strategy of “taking space” on the down low to provide shelter and meet for as long as possible there until kicked out; (covert vs. overt tactics of taking space.) Conflicts with GA’s need to be public. Monthly expenses can be undermining to our purpose. Still need to have plan for cold weather. UNM SUB, as last year, isn’t a great option: noisy and closes for winter break.