Santa Fe GA’s statement of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples

Here is the statement that passed the Occupy Santa Fe GA:

We begin by recognizing and affirming that we are all related. As the Haudenosaunee teaching goes,
we are a part of everything that is beneath us, above us, and around us. Our past is our present, our present is our future, and our future is seven generations past and present.

We will uphold the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

We stand in support of decolonization and the full transformation of our society and civilization to one that is just, democratic, inclusive, respectful, and honoring of the Earth and all beings.

We acknowledge colonization and its harmful impacts, beginning with the genocide of the land-based peoples and the physical occupation of this land by the various European colonial governments and later by the government of the United States of America and the corporatocracy.

We see that at the very root of our society and the corporatocracy’s rise to power is a colonizing view of and relationship to the Earth and all beings. We steadfastly commit to help end the very root of our societal racism and the corporatocracy’s rise to power with its colonial practices of conquest of humankind, Earth, and all that existed before its rise from the ashes of desecration.

We know that redressing historical wrongs starts with ending this culture of violence and moving towards inter and intra-national peace. While recognizing the demoralizing and exponential nature of historical trauma, and the impossibility of redressing all historical wrongs, we acknowledge the necessity of healing the wounded ancestral spirit of life-giving.

We honor the ground upon which we stand as the ancestral land of many Pueblo and other First Nations’ Peoples. We humbly offer our respects for ancestral landedness, and recognize the sovereignty of the remaining 19 pueblos of New Mexico, the Jicarilla Apache Nation, the Mescalero Apache Tribe, the Navajo Nation, and the Ute Mountain Tribe.

We understand that the Occupy movement must consult, partner, and work with others to help create healed and decolonized societies. We must work upon ourselves to unlearn the effects of colonization and to initiate efforts to eradicate all systems and forms of violence and oppression. Indigenous peoples have long advocated for a society in which historic and current grievances are addressed and treaties honored.

We acknowledge the complexity of the use of the word “occupy” to name this movement, and that the word itself must also be transformed as the movement gains maturity. We pledge our commitment to educate ourselves on the told and untold history, and the effects of white supremacy and racism. We must listen deeply and respectfully to all voices within our communities and give voice to the silenced ones and to the voiceless amongst us.

Let us now all move towards healthy relationships with the Earth and all our inner and outer relations.

This is an open, living document. The Occupy Santa Fe community has the right and responsibility to review and revise this document on an ongoing basis.

7 Responses to “Santa Fe GA’s statement of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples” Subscribe

  1. Thomas Jones January 1, 2012 at 3:08 am #

    I like it.

  2. Thomas Jaggers January 9, 2012 at 12:25 am #

    I am curious about how this statement made it’s way here? Thought this statement was presented to the Santa Fe GA in 2011, consensus was not reached and it was not adopted by Occupy Santa Fe. A revised version of the statement will be brought back to Santa Fe’s GA soon.

  3. maria January 9, 2012 at 8:25 am #

    I was asked to post this by someone from (un) Occupy Albuquerque. As a member of our website team, I accommodated their request. I will modify post to say draft. Thanks for letting us know.

  4. Thomas Jaggers January 9, 2012 at 5:20 pm #

    Thanks Maria. I’d prefer it be deleted until Occupy Santa Fe reach consensus on it, which I hope will be this week. If that is not possible, could you send me an email and I will send you the final draft that will be brought to GA, because even this is out-of-date. Thanks. [email protected]

  5. maria January 10, 2012 at 8:32 am #

    please send the final draft to: unoccupyabq@gmail,com

    Thanks, Maria

    • Thomas Jaggers January 13, 2012 at 10:06 pm #

      Just emailed to you. Thanks.

  6. Marie January 18, 2012 at 4:08 pm #

    Santa Fe can serve as a beacon of leadership if the GA passes this. I eagerly await the outcome. :)