General Assembly Nov. 7, 2011 Facilitator: Ben, Note taker: Hershe Camp Agreements, Consensus briefing Announcements Lila will set up the (un)Occupy INFO BOOTH at Yale Park every day this week from 11- 5. She has signs for street walking. Bring flyers, banners or signs and join in! Kate is working on an 99% Story action/event […]
GA Notes – Nov. 6, 2011
GA Notes – Nov. 6, 2011 Facilitator: Erica Estes,Stacker: Rhadona, Note taker: Santhosh Chandrashekar Camp agreements Agenda: Amendment to U.S. constitution Discussion of what to do when unilateral actions take place Location (whether to move or stay at Yale Park) Announcements: Ilse Biel read an email sent out by Christine Nevada to prominent people in […]
(un)Occupy represents at Marigold Parade!

We had an incredible turnout! Thank you Mala Mana for the live music and Lorenzo for driving the truck and Yasmeen for decorating it with the marigolds and colorful papels and Bill for photocopying a 1000 dollar bills with info on it! I counted around 70 of us marching together with the float, dressed as […]
GA Notes – Nov. 4, 2011
44 Person Head Count at beginning of GA, 36 at end Facilitator: Ilse, Stacker: Dmitri, Notetaker: Erica Camp Agreements, Declaration of Occupation from OWS Hand Signals/Consensus review Agenda: * Relocation Discussion and initial Proposals * Amendment to the Constitution * Website Discussion: how and when to deal with proposals from 11.3.11 Announcements * A representative […]
Health Care Justice
HEALTH CARE JUSTICE ~STOP TAXING THE POOR!~NO MORE CO-PAYS!~ Time Wednesday, November 9 · 6:00pm – 7:00pm (Since this is during the General Assembly be sure you have contact with someone attending the GA or check back here for GA Notes) Location UNM Continuing Education 1634 University Blvd., N.E. Albuquerque, NM Created By Legalize Living […]
bankTRANSFERday Action

80 of us lined the streets in front of the Bank of America at Uptown Blvd. and Louisiana today in solidarity with people all across the country joining in Bank TRANSFER Day. Nosotros, el 99%, ya no soportamos la codicia ni los practicos de negocio no eticos del 1%, los cuales estan destruyendo nuestras […]
Hunger Strike Ends – UPDATE includes a letter from UNM President Schmidly

Sebastian Pais and Kristen Gandy announced tonight the end of the hunger strike that began (more…)
GA Notes – Nov. 3, 2011
GA Notes 11.3.11 Facilitator: Camilo; Stackers: Cyd, Cynthia; Notetaker: Erica Agenda Items: Announcements Working Groups reports Relocation discussion Court support for those arrested at Yale Park Constitutional Amendment Website/Name change/Following process Group Process proposal Announcements: Sarita Cargas has stepped up to help organize the teach-ins on campus next week, which are to take place […]
GA Notes – Nov. 2, 2011
(un)Occupy Albuquerque GA – Nov. 2, 2011 Facilitator: Carolina; Stacker: ?; Notetaker: Erica Agenda Announcements Working Group reports Relocation discussion Constitutional amendment Website(s) issue GA process proposal Announcements ● The Dia de los Muertos Parade is set to be a really great time. The theme is Bankers and Workers. The idea is to […]
GA Notes – November 1, 2011
GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOTES: Nov. 1, 2011 Facilitator: Thomas; Note-taker: Kate AGENDA Camp agreements Census explanation Action Announcements General Announcements Hunger Strike/Proposal to UNM President David Schmidly/Visitor Provost Visit from Occupy Santa Fe members Action Announcements (listed in order of occurrence): WEDNESDAY 3-6 pm: Meet at Alvarado Transit Center downtown from 3-4 pm Action at […]