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Flyer for “We Are Not Game – March Against Police Shooting Competition”


Film & Discussion About Winning Water Battles
Today– July 31st, 2015 at 8:00pm – 9:30pm Washington Middle School Park 10th St SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 Great short film about the amazing victory in Cochabamba, Bolivia where indigenous people fought multinational corp. Bechtel to stop water privatization and won! Discussion afterwards on what strategies and tactics we’ve used in NM and what […]
JUN 26 Albuquerque Stand-Out for Leonard Peltier
Come down to the Pete Dominici courthouse at Lomas and 4th @ 3PM on June 26th. In solidarity with Oglala Commemoration, marking the 40th year since the shootout for which Leonard Peltier has been illegally incarcerated. Contact: [email protected] for more information.
Follow up to Solidarity with Ferguson action- Wed Dec 17th 7PM SUB
folks are meeting to plan the next action at the UNM Student Union Building on Wed. Dec 17th, @ 7PM. Location is basement NW corner.
Protest in Solidarity with Ferguson, MO- Tuesday Nov. 25th @ 6PM

IMPORTANT: THE DATE FOR THIS ACTION IS Tuesday Nov. 25th, 2014, THE DAY AFTER THE ANNOUNCEMENT THAT THERE WILL BE NO INDICTMENT OF DARREN WILSON. Michael Brown was murdered on August 9th by Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson. Activists in Ferguson are expecting an announcement very soon about whether or not Darren Wilson will be […]
People’s Pots and Pans Protest Sunday Nov 16th

GA Notes Feb. 23, 2014
GA Notes Feb. 23, 2014 Announcements –Israeli apartheid week is march 10-15th. UNM SJP plans to try to get divestment passed by student senate. Possibly have demonstration 3/15 against Soda Stream across from Staples –Film “5 Broken Cameras” playing Mon Feb. 24th 7pm at Friends Mtg House (1600 5th St NW). Free. –Cory has no […]
Tuesday 8/27 9-11AM
From our friends at MASE: MASE is hosting a Roca Honda Campaign meeting at SRIC Offices 105 Stanford Dr SE Albuquerque, NM 87106 Tuesday Auguist 27 from 9am to 11am.