un)Occupy Albuquerque
General Assembly Minutes
June 10th, 2012
Present: Sharon, Sean, John, Maria, Monica, David
Facilitator: Sharon Minutes: Maria
- Kalpulli Izkalli is needing some help to finish their temezcal (sweat lodge). Anyone is welcome. Contact Sylvia at: [email protected]
- Hearing for Paul Chacho, the man accused of assault against women at the Noni Darwish event in Feb. 2012 on UNM campus, has a hearing on July 2nd at Metro Court. Read article from the ABQ Journal here:
link to story: http://www.abqjournal.com/main/2012/06/08/news/man-charged-for-role-in-scuffle-with- protesters-at-unm-lecture.html
- Next meeting of the Medicine for the People By the People is: June 12th 8:30 at 1725 Richmond Dr NE Contact : (505) 363-1625 if any questions
- Solidarity with Rio Rancho Teachers Monday June 11. 2012 School board meeting is at 5:30 PM. Meet to carpool at Yale Park 4PM. Wear Red.
- Occupy Caravan arriving in ABQ Thursday June 14th– NO GA at Yale Park –meet in Tiguex Park from 5-8. Potluck Bring pots and pans to bang….
- Follow events on twitter @unOccupyABQ
Working Groups:
- Occupy Caravan Working Group – t-shirt idea is formulated and t-shirts will be available starting at the event on Thursday evening. We have collected about $285 in donations. Please see Hershe, to donate funds to send folks to National Gathering in Phila. I think we have a place confirmed for folks to camp at the Las Jardines space on La Vega in the south valley. Thanks to Sofia Martinez and Richard Moore.
- Medicine for the People By the People: July 14th Event. There has been high interest from both practitioners and volunteers. The space is GREAT! They have confirmed yoga practitioners, massage, reiki, wellness checks. Still looking for more acupuncturists. Folks have offered food from Food Not Bombs and Daniel Gonzalez a chef has offered to head up the kitchen. The week before the event they will have 3-4 volunteer meetings just to coordinate everyone’s efforts. They still need folks to coordinate parking and are looking for personal trainers willing to be available so that the Endorphin Power Folks can open their gym to everyone interested on that day. Also, anyone can join their gym for $10 a month membership. All funds go to the Endorphin Power Company. There will also be information tables. There is a call out for art supplies and for a children’s space volunteer.
ACTIONS- How can we be more proactive about actions? Consensus: We will include on every agenda after announcements and working groups an item called Action Awareness…we will not discuss these ideas in depth but will encourage one another to consider up coming events, actions and opportunities for civil disobedience. Folks may decide to organize further if there is group interest. Sayrah and Sean have the listserve that may could help keep us informed of events up coming…Further discussion needed.
- Ways that GA’s can suck: waste time, off topic, inefficiency, lack of facilitator training, stifling dissenting views can shrink group
- Ways that GA’s are good: passion sharing, energy sharing, education, support each other, builds tolerance, patience and understanding of other’s concerns
- Ways to improve GA’s: share strategies for good facilitation/training, Evaluation at the end of each meeting either as a group or individually afterwards. Use the
symbol when folks get off topic. As group grows, use stackers and vibe checkers.
Comments: As time has passed many GA’s have fallen in attendance. Reduction in numbers has been a national issue. Many people who are impatient for change stopped coming. Groups grow slowly.
Issue of fiscal sponsorship has arisen concerning the donation of food and food stuffs. Some places request a letter of tax exempt status. The working group has discussed the issue and has explored possibility of Peace and Justice Center being fiscal sponsor. How ever, they require us to have a tax ID number…Discussion followed regarding the Desert Harvest folks being available for these donations or Trinity House or CAMBIO. Sharon will follow up first with Desert Harvest people. Peace and justice has board meeting on Wed. June 13th where formal request needs to be made. Time is ticking.
Bluewater Valley Downstream Alliance held informational gathering this weekend regarding uranium mining, tailings site and water contamination. Much information about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and acceptable levels of radiation, radon and related health issues. BVDA and MASE (Multicultural Alliance for Safe Environment) would like to have a teach in here in Albuquerque and would like (un)Occupy to support.