Help for NM Homeowners

Call For Assistance:
March 15th to 18th — Housing clinic for NM Homeowners
United South Broadway, UNM Law School and the NM Attorney General’s office are coming together for 4 days to provide financial counseling.
(un)Occupy Albuquerque’s Foreclosure working group would like to be of service.

They are asking for:
A minimum of 5 -7 folks. Some with interest and ability can be assigned to counseling sessions, and others can help at the registration desk. Spanish speakers are requested as well. There will be training for the counselors. We will need volunteers to cover the dates and times of the event: March, 15, 16, 17th and 18th. 9-4PM
They will need help most on the first three days.
Please contact Bill at: [email protected]

Worried about Foreclosure?

Not sure what to do? We’re here to help! Stop by for a half a day and start to turn your debt around. You’ll learn:

  • How foreclosure works in New Mexico
  • Alternatives to foreclosure
  • How to request a loan modification
  • Recognizing & resisting scams
  • Your true & current home value
  • Rebuilding your credit
  • Moving forward & making positive financial changes

When & Where March 15-18, 2012
Thurs: 9am-4pm Classes only, see our website for info
Fri & Sat: 9am-4pm | Sun: 1pm-4pm Meet with counselors and lenders!
Location: UNM School of Law
1117 Stanford NE in Albuquerque Free event | Free Parking
What you should bring:

  • Any letters or court documents from your bank
  • Last two pay stubs
  • 2010 tax return
  • Most recent bank statement(s)
  • A current utility bill
  • Most recent mortgage bill
  • A brief “hardship letter,” which describes why you’ve fallen behind.

For more information, visit

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