GA Notes 2/19/12

Around 14 people present

Amalia- facilitator

Maria- minutes


  • Wed. 2/22 6-8PM Reading of Liberties Vigil the Occupy Anthology will be held at Lucky Bean Downtown Café in Santa Fe


  • 3/15 to 3/18 a Housing Clinic will be held at the UNM Law School in cooperation with United South Broadway, the NM Attorney General’s Office and the law school. A free service to help homeowners. They have asked (un)Occupy Albuquerque to provide helpers. Please contact Maria ([email protected]) if you are interested.


  • The letter has been given to legislators that calls out what ALEC does and lists who is a supporter. (un)Occupy  Albuquerque and Occupy Santa Fe are listed as signers.


  • UNM Graduate Employees will meet this week on Wed 2/22 at 6PM at the Peace and Justice Center to discuss grievances, labor conditions, networking and solidarity


Working Groups

Health Care for the People: Next meeting on Sunday at 5PM at Caro’s house. Contact: Monica Salazar • (505) 363-1625 for info. They have completed a statement and call out for the event on July 14th to be held at the Endorphin Power Company. They need volunteers and they hope to be able to provide food that day.


Mock Wall

A meeting was held last Monday finalizing the design. The Arab American and Muslim Student Association is organizing this event on March 19th– 23rd. A large wall will be constructed in Smith Plaza calling attention to the walls in Palestine and on the US-Mexico border. (un)Occupy Albuquerque would like to participate. How many panels do we want to create? There is a call for panels of plywood and 2X4’s . Sean, Summer, Maria and Sharon would like to be part of this planning. Contact:Summer @ [email protected]


Talk by Nonie Darwich

She is an Egyptian born activist who has become a Christian fundementalist, very pro Israel. The event will be on 2/23 at 7 PM at the UNM Anthropology lecture hall. The Arab American and Muslim Student Association plans to attend the talk and ask tough questions. Several folks from (un)Occupy Albuquerque plan to attend and will take the leadership of the student association. Both Sayrah and Sharon can be contacted regarding this.

Anti-capitalist Working Group

May 1st has been called for a National General Strike- the working group is syig perhaps a march here in Albuquerque is more realistic. They are asking for ideas- They meet Sundays at 4 PM and Mondays at 5PM at the Peace and Justice Center. Enrique and Amalia will continue to do outreach towards other organizations. Globally May 1st is known as workers day or labor day


Any working group who wishes to have an announcement banner on the website please contact Sean


Feb 24th to 26th – Next meeting 2/20 7PM SUB lower level NW corner


Friday 8AM medicine will be laid down

Thomas would like to do a teach in regarding “the politics of charity”

Health Care for the Homeless – descalation or homelessness 101

Brittany- spirituality

Organic Farming

Coal mining- Black Mesa

Henry- First Aide


Colonization and the Occupy Movement

Booths for free clothes and free food

Talk to Santosh regarding details of support for those staying later in the evening

Statewide GA- Sunday 2/26th 1-4PM- looking for connections in Clovis and Silver City


Feb. 29th  – Next meeting: Tuesday, Feb.21, 7 p.m. SUB. Contact: Kenneth [email protected]


Action at PNM 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM on Wed. Feb. 29th

Need to make banners and signs



(un)Occupy Albuquerque needs to reach out to more marginalized communities. In order to work honorably and respectfully with these communities we must have a better critical analysis of what is colonization. What can we do to work on this?


FAQ is part of this work

Perhaps Queer Straight Alliance on campus might be a good place to start

Language is important- to be critical and push back

Suggest we take each FAQ and answer together or discuss each one together

Important to try to make a bridge for people to move in their ideas and ideology

Summer is ready and willing to do teach ins


Camp Agreements

#2 We are non-violent

Re-cap from last Sunday’s discussion and continued discussion.

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