Foreclosure We are preparing a petition to end foreclose proceedings on Pam’s house this week. We discussed various tactics to respond to a possible sheriff visit. Pam is filing a criminal complaint against the banks involved. We discussed asking community groups and local elected officials to support Pam. We discussed a courthouse action with the […]
Stop Foreclosure Barbecue & Camp Out
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Aug. 10 – Members of (un)Occupy Albuquerque will be joining Pamela Lipper at her house this Saturday, Aug. 11, for a barbecue and campout to resist an impending property seizure. Ms. Lipper’s house is located at 600 Veranda NW, which is one block North of Candelaria and two blocks West of 4th […]
Hiroshima — Still Haunting

Banner was deployed a bit after 4:30pm today, the 67th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. It was placed on the lab bridge, during afternoon rush-hour for LANL workers, so they don’t lose sight of the grave impact their complicity has on humanity.
Anti-Nuclear Activists Blockade LANL Gates

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Aug. 6, 2012 Six anti-nuclear activists were arrested at around 8 am today after blocking the road into Los Alamos National Laboratory. The action took place on the 67th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. Around 50 activists from Trinity Nuclear Abolition and (un)Occupy Albuquerque participated in the protest. Cathie Sullivan […]
General Assembly 8/2/2012
Facilitator-Maria Notes- Summer Present- 8 5:30pm Kiss-In at Chick-Fil-A at Montgomery & San Mateo August 3, 2012 LANL Action: Starts at 7am on Monday, August 6. Bring cardboard, sheets, duct tape, etc. Nuke Free Now Weekend Events: Friday event artshow in Santa Fe, Saturday speakers all day, Sunday in Los Alamos. Paul Chacho Trial: DA […]