This afternoon, one of the lead attackers of students at the Nonie Darwish speech/mic-check last February, Paul Chacho, a former UNM employee, will face the first of two charges of battery at Metro Court. Come dressed in a color, or colors, of the Palestinian flag, (green, red, white, or black) and show your support for […]
Stand for Justice! – Trial for Paul Chacho: Assaulted students for speaking out
Chacho Faces Charges for Assaulting Students at UNM Campus Speech
(un)Occupy Albuquerque For Immediate Release 1:30 PM – Meet at sculpture, outside Bernalillo Metro Court for overview 2:00 PM – Trial: Courtroom 400 This afternoon, one of the lead attackers of student protesters last February, Paul Chacho, a retired employee of UNM, will face the first of two charges of battery at Metro Court. […]
NO FEAR IN ARIZONA: Bail Fund Request
If you’re reading this its because I and three others are in jail. Today four of us who are undocumented members of Puente came out as unafraid and were arrested at the racial profiling trial of Sheriff Arpaio here in Phoenix. We did peaceful civil disobedience to set an example for our community and to […]
July 15th GA Minutes
16 people present Sean- facilitator Monica- note taker National Gathering Report Maria Early on in the event Anarchist and young folks were thrown under the bus by more conservative occupiers. The event itself was kicked out of the National Independence Mall and then also the Washington Square park. Eventually they moved to another park Franklin […]
The Medicine for the People event is seeking food donations!!!FOR EVENT JULY 14th
The Medicine for the People by the People working group is asking that all food donations for the Sat. July 14th event be brought to : Endorphin Power Company 509 Cardenas Dr. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108 Two days away! FOOD DONATIONS today and tomorrow! The Medicine for the People event is seeking food donations!!! If […]
Medicine for the People by the People Sat. July 14th, 2012
The event will be held at Endorphin Power Company 509 Cardenas Dr. SE Albuquerque, NM 87108-3721 Opening Ceremony @ 9:00AM Event @ 10:00AM-6:00PM If you are a practitioner and would like to donate your time for this event please contact: Natalie Avalos Cisneros [email protected] Monica Salazar [email protected] Sharon Cooperman [email protected] ALL ARE WELCOME! We are […]
Media Literacy Project Call Out
Hi. I am a community organizer with the Media Literacy Project as well as in Albuquerque at large. I am writing you to invite your groups participation for two upcoming events. Saturday, August 4th we are having a show at AirDance ArtSpace called “From School House to Jail House”. Part of the show will be […]