(un)Occupy Albuquerque General Assembly March 4, 2012
15-20 folks present.
Working Group Reports
Anti-Capitalist: This working group has been supporting the Albuquerque Solidarity Network’s current campaign support a former employee of Novedades who experienced wage theft. The employer owes her around $2,000 dollars. The working group is now designing a flyer to distribute at locations where the magazine is distributed.
Foreclosure Working Group: Looking for volunteers for a legal and financial counseling event for homeowners March 15-18 9am-4pm at the UNM Law School. They need friendly greeters to welcome people. People with Spanish language skills particularly encouraged to participate. Contact Maria.
UNM Students, Faculty, and Staff: Prepare for the March 8 march 5-7pm Wednesday at El Centro de la Raza.
FAQ: Maria and Amalia brought copes of the FAQ to the GA. An anti-racism group in New York will be using our FAQ in their trainings.
Street Medic: Colorado Street Medics have offered to do a training. 20 hours over two or three days. Contact Henry if interested or for more information.
Healthcare by the People for the People: Not meeting tonight. Call Monica for more information.
Quaker Meeting Outreach
Labor Notes Conference May 4-6 in Chicago: We consensed to encourage local folks to attend, especially women also interested attending the G8/NATO protests in Chicago in May. There’s a scholarship for women that will cover 50-100% of travel costs.
Last Week’s Aftermath in Items: Jason has an unidentified blue-orange jacket. Maria is looking for a drop cloth.
International Women’s Day Event March 8 6pm 530 Jefferson
May 1 Salt of the Earth Showing and Walk to Cure Capitalism: We consensed to endorse and support these events. Contact Amalia if interested in being part of the coordinating coalition.
Libro-Traficante: The caravan delivering banned books to Tucson students will be coming through Albuquerque on March 15. Fundraising tonight at 7pm at the Outpost.
Resolution for New Mexico Democrats: Sally-Alice asks for assistance in drafting a resolution to put before the NM Democrats condemning UNM repression of free speech.
March 8 Protest UNM’s Repression of Freedom: Gather at 12pm in front the UNM bookstore. We will then march across campus, hold a press conference at Yale Park, and hold teach-ins until 4pm. There’s a 4pm Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color event. This march has been organized in collaboration with campus organizations such the Raza Graduate Student Association, MEChA, PNMGC, Students for Justice in Palestine, and Graduate Employees Together. The person most injured in the Nonie Darwish action has direct role in the organizing. The message focuses on opposing the institutionalized violence of patriarchy. Folks suggested connect with reconstructionist Jewish community. We need to get as many people – especially UNM faculty – to turn out to this event as possible.
Statewide General Assembly Review: Moved through some of the agenda. Police on us the whole time. Threat of violence. Did well as a group. What about next statewide GA? It was good to have Santa Fe, Los Lunas, and Farmington present. Various people thought the GA lost energy when it came to discuss statewide strategy. Perhaps examples strategic possibilities would help? The August 5 action in Los Alamos will be an opportunity for statewide coordination. We discussed difficulties of operating under duress and sticking to previously agreed upon plans in the heat of the moment. Brad is currently working on organizing the next statewide GA and hoping to have an online forum.
Agenda Items for Next GA: Location and strategic vision. Is locking horns with UNM what we want to be doing?