GA Notes – Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012

GA Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012

Facilitator: Hershe, Note taker: Summer

Present: 14 humans. New: Jeff from Salt Lake, Sharon from ABQ


Facilitator/consensus process training – 12:15 pm every Sunday (before GAs) in SUB, 8 pm  every Thursday (after GAs) in SUB.

Mock Wall Campaign – Happening March 19-23. Sections of wall on campus to call attention to the walls in Palestine, the walls on the U.S.-Mexico border, and other walls/borders. There will be lots of teach-ins and activities as part of this campaign.

Arab Spring failure talk by Nonie Darwish on Feb 23 7-9pm in Anthro Lecture Hall. Sayrah will contact Danya about how to proceed.

March to Cure Capitalism – May 1. Early morning?

Burque Black Cross – Looking to recruit new people and diversify group. Contact Henry.

Leonard Peltier Walk and Solidarity Event Report Back – Walk for Human Rights from Alcatraz came through Albuquerque. La Plazita on Wednesday night potluck. Works with at-risk youth. Eight young men there. Told stories about prison system. Albino Garcia. Film about shootout and trial. Dorothy talked about Leonard in jail now. 67 years old, lockdown, Florida, poor health. Continue to harass him and create charges that prolong his stay. It’s important for him to feel he is remembered. Ask pres to grant clemency. Many political prisoners locked up now. Chance to partner with community organization. Cesar Chavez committee. A Tattoo on My Heart: The Warriors of Wounded Knee 1973. Lots of women interviewed. Courageous women. Incredible participation by women.

Spokesperson for Eric Griego said he was quoted incorrectly  as denouncing the un0ccupy ABQ/occupy Santa Fe J17 Mic Check.

All are welcome to the (un)Occupy Anti-Oppression Potluck – 5pm today and very other Sunday. Contact Jessica ([email protected]) for details.

Working Groups

Healthcare for the People – Event to provide healthcare. July 14. Trying to connect with universal healthcare advocacy group. Might not be enough people for a kitchen. Today at 5pm meeting.

Foreclosure – Going to be meeting less frequently. Bill as contact person.

Statewide Solidarity – Planning for statewide GA. No set date and time yet.

FAQ – have met three times in the past 2 weeks to collaboratively craft. There were 4, 10, and 5 people at the meetings. Hershe designed the pamphlet.  It will be posted on the website in working group forum for community-wide feedback and brought back to next Sunday’s GA for approval. Finish in time for the F24-26 action.


Consensus: F24-26 Proposal – Discuss at each GA before the event.

F24-26 (un)occupy Yale Park activation weekend – We’re planning to hold teach-ins. Hoping to connect with other OWS groups on Saturday. Possible UNM GA on Friday?  Large scale political art installation? Re-barb existing sculpture?

F24-26 Working Group next meeting 7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6 in SUB.  Point person: Andy;  Ilse, Simone, Henry, Hershe.

F29 Action Shut Down Corporation Occupy Portland solidarity action – 5th and Silver. 7-7:30am workers arrive and leave. Open doors after 8am. Parking garage. Sierra Club and WildEarth have been contacted. Guardians would like to support.

Direct action ideas: Clear talking points and messaging. ALEC connection. Morning or noon? Die-in? Picket? Try to connect with the workers? Meet with bosses? Inside and outside action?

F29 Working group next meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 8 SUB. Point person: Kenneth; Jessica, Andy, Ilse, Henry, Jason, Hershe, Simone, Larry, Jeff.

March 19 Mock Wall Campaign – Summer as point person ([email protected] and 919-606-3716). Walls used to oppress in many ways. Consensus to support and participate in. Mock Wall Working Group: Summer – point person, Andy, Jason, Ilse, Maria.


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