12/12/11 Solidarity with West Coast Shut down at Los Lunas, NM
Winter Break GA schedule

As consensed on at last Sunday’s General Assembly, we will be holding GAs Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays through the first of week of January. Working groups that meet on Wednesdays will continue to do so. There will be no GA on Dec. 25, 2011 or Jan. 1, 2012. GA Schedule (Dec. 12-Jan. 8) Meetings will be […]
Betita Martinez Dinner and Roast
I attended the dinner in Betita’s honor last night. She is having her 86th birthday on Monday! I heard many stories from her friends and colleagues from her days here in NM. I heard conversation about so many events and people who have been in the struggle for social justice here forever. I will post […]
Dec 8th, 2011 Synopsis GA
There were about 13 of us. We met at the SUB’s NW corner of the lower level. We discussed solidarity with the West Coast Shut Down on 12/12/11. NEXT GA Sunday 12:30PM. !2/12/11 Please Meet at Yale Park at 1PM to carpool. 2PM at Walmart Los Lunas. Wear your walking shoes…we’ll march to the Wal-MArt […]
Dec 6th Action Planning Meeting
Notes by: Ilse WORKING GROUP MEETING 6 DECEMBER REPORT BACKS UNM LIAISON/OUTREACH GROUP * Desi is doing a teach-in on legislative workings and issues Wednesday 7 December P+J 3:30-5:30 * Sarita and Elaine are working on compiling an archive/database/general resource collection * Desi has done teach-ins (2 at Highland, 1 at Rio Grande High School; […]
Fundraising Dinner and Roast for Betita Martinez Tomorrow
(Betita) ”…is inimitable, irrepressible and indefatigable …” Angela Davis. Fundraising Dinner and Roast honoring the work of Elizabeth “Betita” Martínez in New Mexico 500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures & “El Grito del Norte” Saturday December 10, 2011 803 La Vega Dr. SW 6:30‐ 9:00 ($10.00 donation suggested, children free) Betita has edited over […]
GA Notes – Sunday, Dec. 4, 2011
General Assembly – Sunday, Dec. 4, 2011 Facilitator: Sebastian, Note taker: Ilse 20 people Announcements: New Year’s Revolution march. 30 December. Start 1pm Robinson Park. Route to be determined. Will connect with various groups. Planning meetings Saturdays and Mondays 2pm Yale/Ya Basta Park. Possibly aligned with both UnOccupy and Occupy, Summer could not say for […]
GA Notes – Friday, Dec. 2, 2011
We met in the NW corner of the ground floor of the SUB. We discussed the inclement weather and where to meet during the winter break while UNM is on vacation. Wall of Indignation affinity group is working on having a grafitti wall available on Wed. They will assemble it on Sunday during the GA […]
(un)Occupy ABQ RIDE Bus Action Tuesdays

Meet between 3:30 and 4:00 at the southeast corner of Central and 1st Ave. (Alvarado Transit Center) to rally, pick up flyers and plan routes. We are riding city buses to strike up a conversation with our neighbors, listen to their concerns, and share information about the 99% .