GA Notes – Sunday, Nov. 27, 2011

GA Notes – Sunday, November 27, 2011
Facilitator: Lila; Stacker: Andy; Note Taker: Lila
New Face: Simon from Oaxaca!

* Andy- National Defense Authorization Act bill goes to the Senate TODAY, Monday, Nov 28th; here is link to put on the website to read more about it and what we can do
* Chris-April 1st Declared National March on Monument
* Maria- Dec 1st Nobb Hill Shop and Stop for info. Details were going to be discussed on Monday’s GA
* Lila- Dec 3rd- NO GMO Chile March from Alvarado Trans. Cntr. to Robinson park @ 12pm
* Andy- Dec 3rd and 4th- ROCCUPY; Music, pot luck, and No GMO speakers
* Water-Dec 9th “Peace Seeker” Teach-IN at Yale Park 5pm.
* Simon- Dec 12th is West Coast Port Shut Down Day. Show solidarity!
* Demetri- Dec 13th Mike Check the Get Motivated Seminar. More info to come.
* Water- Jan 17th- Legislative Action in Santa Fe. More info to come.
* Lila- Is running a food, clothing, and blanket drive through the month. Local business have offered to be drop off sites. Invited UnOccupy to join! More info to come!

Working Group Updates
* Chile- Will need AM Volunteers to pass out flyers and sign NO-GMO Chile petitions at the Rail Runner with Cynthia on Dec 3rd action.
* CNM/UNM Faculty/Students- Creating a comprehensive list of readings, power points and other informative resources regarding OWS Movement for future Teach-ins
* Foreclosures- Meeting this Wed at El Mesquite Market on Sand Pedro and Central at 6pm.

* The proposals from the last general assembly were shared.
o Consent of no time restraints and how a working group is created and their relations with the GA. Everyone was in agreement of the consensus.
o Agreement to see this information on the website please!
o 12 stand asides, no blocks
o As a reaction, it was consented to create an updated Statement of Solidarity of Purpose and Principals that addresses the public to why we are here. Individuals are working together to create a statement to show the Media Group for Approval, that will be shared amongst the General Assembly before submission.
This also included putting this statement on the website/facebook

WE ARE THE 99%!!!!

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