GA Notes – October 30, 2011

(un)Occupy Albuquerque General Assembly notes – Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011
12:30 – 4:30 p.m.

1. Visitor – Diana Dorn-Jones
2. Announcements
3. Working Group report-backs
4. Hunger strike/UNM proposal response
5. Actions – Nov. 2, Nov. 5, Nov. 11
6. Facebook admins
7. Website url

Diana Dorn-Jones, United South Broadway Neighborhood
Thank you for having me here. New Mexico is #2 in the country in foreclosures (per capita). Every Wednesday, USBN does intake sessions for community members being foreclosed on – there were 18 families last week. In New Mexico you are sued by the banks when they foreclose. Foreclosures are impacting everybody. Six million children in the U.S. are homeless. In Albuquerque, we are seeing kids in our schools who have no home to go home to. They are also mental health issues – people are stressed when their world is pulled out from underneath them. We need a moratorium on foreclosures and we need the banks to start paying down principal. Foreclosures are equal opportunity disasters! When the banks is coming for your home it doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, a Republican, or a Socialist.The banks want your homes and they are coming after them. I worked in the banking industry 15-20 years ago – it used to be banks tried to keep you in your home but the way it’s structured today, they want your home. You are nothing more than stocks traded on Wall Street. Thank you for your support.

• Allen – Channel 27/28 is under attack! They need our support. Contact Allen Cooper – 304-3144.
• Sayrah – (un)Occupy will have a float in next Sunday’s Marigold parade. There are certain guidelines so please sign Sayrah’s notebook or email her at [email protected] if you want to be in it. We will be meeting at the parade at 3 p.m.
• There is a Hunger Strike support group meeting at 5 p.m. today on the sidewalk of Yale Park.
•  (un)Occupy Albuquerque was mentioned on Democracy Now
• We should follow up with District 2 Council member Art De la Cruz
• Oakland General Strike Nov. 2/Occupy movement Day of Action 4-8 p.m. We should do something
• Let’s have a Dia de los Muertos party next weekend!
• People are setting up communication/internet conference calls between the movement for Real Democracy Now! in Spain and Occupy movement in U.S.
• Let’s join the International Day of Action Nov. 11, 2011.
• On Nov. 9 an asteroid will be hitting the moon and on Nov. 11 Obama will give a speech that will change the world.
• Do we have any (un)Occupy buttons?
• There is a report that the ACLU lawyers who spoke at the GA Friday night were treated unkindly – please let’s treat everyone with respect.
• We have a member of Occupy New Orleans visiting today.
• Enrique is forming an election reform affinity group – message him on fb if interested.
• Louisa is creating logos for/from the movement.
• Roadrunner is interested in winterizing and building a broad base.
• The Chili March affinity group is meeting tomorrow night at 5 p.m.

Media Working Group: Forum agreements 1-5. Unilateral motion. There are 29 members in the Media working Group – perhaps we can break the group out into three subgroups: Press, Digital, and Networking (national/international communication)

Relocation Working Group – Barbara is trying to talk with the Mayor about Robinson Park, the Mayor spoke in favor of Freedom of Speech and (un)Occupy Albuquerque – things are looking favorable. Ian’s been talking with First Methodist Church to see if we can relocate there.

Foreclosure Working Group – working on setting up a teach-in, We need places and times to educate ourselves. Next action next Friday 4-6 p.m. location TBA.

Special Events Working Group – Two ideas from Marigold March – all participants where a 2-sided mask and some choreography and a banner. It’s important to have it be bilingual. We have several groups from the (un)Occupy movement.

Action Planning Working Group – Meeting after today’s GA to plan the Nov. 2 solidarity action with the Occupy Oakland General Strike and the Nov. 5 bankTRANSFERday action Move On announced. We have credit union/bank flyers we handed out at the 4 Banks, 4 Hours action that we can use for bTd. We need to find out when and where the Move On action is.

Anti-Oppression Working Group – Will be meeting Monday, Oct. 31 at 5 p.m. at the Yale Park sidewalk.


a. UNM observes our right to exercise our first amendment rights anywhere on campus.
b. UNM will not require a permit for the meeting of our working groups, gatherings, or teach-ins of any of our current or future groups.
c. We will not have a kitchen on Yale Park.
d. Our assembly meetings will be respected and through a permit allowed on Yale Park from11:00 a.m. -5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday and from 5-10 p.m. M-F.
e. As in any place in the state, security forces ought to defend community members from anyone or anything that may cause harm to individuals or groups. Assembly members will not hesitate to contact local authorities if they feel their security is at risk.

Additionally, we will apply for a permit from UNM for the use of Yale Park for daily GAs from 5-10 M-F and11-5 S/Su. These hours will be communicated to our ACLU representatives for consideration in their UNM negotiations/ possible injunction.

Listserve concern: there are only 2 listserves that go out to the whole University – the University communiqué and something on Wednesday. We need to make lists of listserves and send info out individually.


Wednesday, Nov. 2 in solidarity with the General Strike called by Occupy Oakland, (un)Occupy Albuquerque will gather at the Alvarado Transit Center at Central and 2nd St. downtown at 3 p.m. The group will break into pairs to board city busses to talk about the 99% movement, corporate greed and the (un)Occupy movement. Details will be provided at the Monday, Oct. 31 GA. (Consensed)

Saturday, Nov. 5 in solidarity with bankTRANSFERday, (un)Occupy Albuquerque will be joining’s action. Location and time TBD. (Consensed)

Friday, Nov. 11 International Day of Action SAVE the DATE


Facebook admin list pool* (Consensed):
Ty, Cree, Kate, Camillo, Elaine, Caro, Azin, Cynthia, Kevin, Mike and David

Current fb admins are Ty, Cree, Kate (and Josh who agreed at Friday’s GA to rotate off of the admin team).

* The 4-7 to serve on the first admin rotation will be determined at the Monday, Oct. 31 General Assembly  – the remaining have been consensed on to serve in subsequent rotations.

Web Presence Administrator Agreements (Consensed 10.28.11)

1. General Assembly-sponsored forum administrators will only post events and the agreements of the forum for which they are acting as an administrator.

2. Minutes, events, statements, and questions from the GA will be posted by administrators, unchanged, to any website which we have. This will happen in a timely manner.

3. Our process for choosing administrators for a GA-sponsored forum will reflect our anti-oppression politics.

4. No individual or group will make decisions that dictate or restrict the actions of the movement as a whole without being consensed on at a General Assembly.

5. All posts in a GA-sponsored forum must be respected as speech. No post in such a forum should ever be deleted.

6. The administration team of a GA-sponsored forum agrees to attempt to maintain between 4 and 7 administrators, each of whom will rotate out of the team from time to time.


The (un)Occupy Albuquerque official web url is (Consensed)

One Response to “GA Notes – October 30, 2011” Subscribe

  1. maria November 1, 2011 at 5:53 pm #

    Could we add the working groups here somewhere on this site with contact info and meeting dates/places?
    Action Planning Working group
    Chili Working group
    Anti-oppression Working Group
    Relocation Strategy/Moving working group
    Facilitation/Consensus Training Working Group
    Foreclosure Working Group
    Media Working Group

    Also Chili Event planned Dec. 3 at Alvarado Station could be added to calendar.