GA Notes October 3, 2011

Occupy Notes for October 3rd, 2011

Facilitator: Unkown
Agenda: Should we stay in the park tonight?

Proposal: We will Ensure that there is a small group of people here (southwest park of unm, also known as area 40) all night. October 3, 2011
approved by voice consent. No Blocks.

Question: What do we want our Image To Be?

(This park (on central and university) is a good place to be, we are on the map.

we have support all around the world.

please tell us who is coming together for this action.

A post from the other 98% making fun of the tea party. I would like to note that the original tea part was pure, if we’re going to be the 99% then we should try to not drive ppl like the tea party away.

keep it clean.

occupy 66 branding is good.

We have a group working specifically on media.

we need to get this circle to be bigger right here (we need more ppl in the park).

We need to have a clearer kind of message. This way there is no misconstruing of what we’re doing.

we need to bring more ppl of color into the movement that way we represent all of New Mexico, we also need a clean image.

Everyone, note that tomorrow is election day.

Need to make sure we speak about when our date and time for our events is so that we can make sure to get ppl to come to our events.

Listening to NPR, media is asking what are their demands? We don’t need to have only a few bullet points. We should relax about demands.

NORML… the public needs to see that there are ppl who are disabled and have difficulty getting here.

We need to talk about how we are against the wealth gap and how we want to shrink it (we need to include that on the signs).

Copies can be made on university.

Grandmas and grandpas are with us. ) Delivered to the media group…
Proposal: We give all comments to the media group.
The proposal passes by voice consent. no Blocks.

7:00 PM Proposal: extend meeting by 10 minutes.
approved by voice vote

Proposal: we deal with the police as a community rather than as individuals, also ppl should not wander around alone.
Passed by voice consent, no blocks

Proposal: unless you are chosen to speak for the group, make sure to address ppl with questions as an individual, not as a member of the group.
passed by voice consent. No blocks.

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