Movement Agreements (formerly known as Camp Agreements)
Most were developed and consensed on at our first General Assembly – Saturday, Oct. 1, 2011 – the list was added to in General Assemblies within our first few weeks. Last revised February of 2013.
- We are non-violent.
- We respect the land and each other.
- We are proactive and mindful of our public presence
- We use 100% consensus decision-making process.
- We are non-hierarchical.
- We practice anti-oppression politics.
- We do not use illegal drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes on site.
Working Group Agreements
Developed at the Working Group meet-up, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011; consensed on at General Assembly, Friday, Nov. 25, 2011
- Each working group operates as an extension of the (un)OccupyABQ General Assembly
- Each working group agrees to GA-consensed upon Points of Unity (aka Camp or Movement Agreements)
- Each working group will have at least two magnets (aka point persons).
- Each working group will take responsibility for keeping their contact and meeting information current and available at the Info. Booth and on the website.
- Each working group will communicate in a timely and fully transparent manner with the larger group and GA.
- Each working group will participate in a 15-minute Working Group meet-up on site at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and/or Wednesdays.
Previous edition of movement agreements in effect until February 2013:
- We are non-violent.
- We respect the land and each other.
- We are positive and proactive.
- We use 100% consensus decision-making process.
- We have no spokesperson or leader.
- We are non-hierarchical.
- We practice anti-oppression politics.
- We do not accept monetary donations.
- We are mindful of our public image.
- We do not use illegal drugs, drink alcohol, or smoke cigarettes on site.
- We take care of our personal belongings.