Medicine for the People by the People Sat. July 14th, 2012

The event will be held at Endorphin Power Company
509 Cardenas Dr. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108-3721

Opening Ceremony @ 9:00AM
Event @ 10:00AM-6:00PM

If you are a practitioner and would like to donate your time for this event please contact:
Natalie Avalos Cisneros [email protected]
Monica Salazar [email protected]
Sharon Cooperman [email protected]


We are providing a day of FREE health care to the Albuquerque community. We hope to empower each other with awareness about health justice and our inherent right to heal and be cared for during times of illness and transition. This event is intended to be part of a movement to change the model of health care provided in our community. We will be serving those who live in fear of limited or no access to health care, as well as those who have had no success with the health care provided to them. We will make available knowledge and exposure to many forms of health care available within our community. By providing exposure and education to many paths of wellness, we wish to freely share what we believe is innately human: a right to heal! We believe that all seekers of wellness, mind, body, and spirit may find empowerment and freedom.

One Response to “Medicine for the People by the People Sat. July 14th, 2012” Subscribe

  1. Sayrah July 30, 2012 at 10:29 pm #

    I was blown away at how incredible this event was! The space was awesome. The turnout was bigger than I imagined and it was mostly people I didn’t know so we really reached the general public and the neighborhood. The services offered were fantastic. The food was so healthy and so good. The speakers were riveting.

    Thank you everyone who made this happen. It was a huge amount of work for a very long day with so many different things happening. I have lots of photos to share.