GA Minutes 1/3/2012
• Camp Agreements
• Announcements
• Working Group Reports Backs
• Actions
• Proposal from last week’s GA
• Feb 29th Action
• Name discussion out of the GA
10 folks present
Burque Black Cross Medical Training- Meeting Jan. 12th @ 3 PM Yale Park
1st Annual Chili Summit Jan. 7th @ 9AM at the Oñate Monument & Visitor Center, Alcalde, NM to register go to:
From Mayo 15th movement in Spain: Bill shared his experiences there where folks have been camped out for months but now have no camp. Many similarities to our own struggles here. There are 2 foreclosures a day there. There is good media coverage. He was asked to give a presentation to about 50 folks from various organizations including LGBT, Women’s Rights, etc. They had many questions regarding GA’s. oppression, issues of racism, our name of (un)Occupy, foreclosures. They have a very active Squatters Movement and have taken over a Social Center. There was press coverage and Bill will try to get us the link or the hard copy to read.
G8 Summit in Chicago May 19th. There is group that has been discussing going in caravan on May 15th. They are a direct action affinity group. Talk to Henry or Andy if interested. They are asking the GA for money pool, need cars, people. Goal is to send 30 people.
Alliance for Global Justice and Occupy Olympia have called to meet on Feb. 18th and 19th for Occupy Solidarity Social Forum
Possibly the first national gathering for face to face movement building since Occupy Wall Street began. They hope to reach out across the US to fellow Occupy movements and help to bring them here. This is not a decision making event, it is a space for conversation, collaboration and education. Please contact [email protected] with questions.
Occupy Portland calls for Day of Direct Action Feb. 29th
Working Group Report Backs:
Foreclosure Working Group has been in contact with a family who is going through foreclosure. She is willing to speak at the Roundhouse. Our next meeting is Wed. 1/4/2012 at El Mesquite on San Pedro and Central @6:30 PM. Come to meeting for more details.
New Year’s Revolution March 12/30/2011-
3 people present attended the march and gave feedback. Around 150 people attended, awesome event. Recruitment office, post office, Wells Fargo, Lock Heed Martin, Unemployment Office. Folks saw 4 separate articles published. Liked the solidarity of many organizations that endorsed. Larry Kronen was a great asset when police were giving the “final warning” to protestors and helped to diffuse. Very good move to target press reporter and to walk together with them. Would have liked to see more original signs/messages, didn’t see (un)Occupy Albuquerque name on any banners or flyers.
Jan 17th Occupy the Roundhouse coalition meeting 12/27-
Sayrah, Henry and Amalia attended. Next meeting is 1/11 @ 5:30 in Santa Fe at State Employee Alliance-Communications Workers of America
Local 7076 UNION HALL Bldg. 1000, Suite 1001
Santa Fe, NM 87505
[email protected]
food will be served
(From St. Michael’s Dr., turn on Botulph Rd., make first right to Brunn School Rd.,
turn right into first driveway, make immediate left, park. Look for Suite 1001
on court-side of first row of buildings)
There is a need to identify speakers to address economic issues. 11:15 train arrives, step off at 11:30…asking for a facilitators from (un)Occupy and all groups to reflect our commitment to diversity. The Medicaid Coalition is supporting the J17th event and is hoping for follow up support on 1/24 day of action at the roundhouse. Healthcare for the Homeless and Water Rights Activists will also be having a days of action in Santa Fe. We can support those days too.
On Jan 17th 10 AM at Roundhouse is a Labor Rally lead by John Henry. Would be good to be there to support that. Comment: Hoping that our movement will never endorse a political party.
How do we as a group want to be involved for the legislative session beyond the J17 day? Phone calling to legislators as bills need support? Phone tree? There are 30 days of the session. AFT and NEA unions are involved and there is legislation that the Gov. may try to cut.
Feb 29th Leap Day has been called by Occupy Portland as a day of dispersed pre-planned direct actions against ALEC. Suggests flash mob, mic check, non-violent, joyous activity, to shut down the corporations. There is an affinity group started and they would like (un)Occupy to endorse an action, give resources and legal support. Henry is the contact person
This was proposed at the 12/27 GA and posted on the website:
No person or Working Group will apply for permits or injunction or file a law suit on behalf of (un)Occupy Albuquerque without consulting our legal team and having consensus from the (un)Occupy Albuquerque General Assembly
Clarification: this includes working groups that are part of and responsible to (Un)Occupy Albuquerque General Assembly.
Consensed upon. No stand asides or blocks.
A statement is needed to address the issue of mediation between (un)Occupy and Occupy Albuquerque, race, and the name change. We have undergone this discussion too many times and it is keeping us from moving forward. A statement will be drafted and submitted for consensus. We wish to honor our camp agreements.
Elaine will bring forward a draft from the 3 drafts that we worked on together this evening. Consensed upon. No stand asides or blocks
Amalia: Wish to define the context of name change to having made our name more inclusive. New folks wish to bring up this topic over and over. How can we move this discussion out of the GA?
Henry: feels we should try to make this decision this evening
Sayrah: suggests we offer a flyer that has our why (un) statement on one side
Henry: perhaps a forum on the website
Kate: this is a good idea- feels somehow that there should be ways that can be discussed, not banished from discussion
Tim: being able to read a list/forum that can educate new folks on past decisions of group so they can get up to speed when they need education
Bill: read the beginning of his draft….
Xian: there is a balance between voices being heard and shutting down voices. There maybe a possible procedure that could exist for “name change”.
Henry: Not only issue of name change but racial issues.…A group that works on racial issues?
Elaine: missed last GA. Feels that race has been over talked. Race, name, reconciliation are these all the same thing or separate issues.
Kate: new folks need the discussion
Lance: FAQ paper and online forum can handle this
Amalia: maybe if new folks could sit through 2 or 3 GA;s read our statement, then they could bring their issue forward
Elaine: Following the discussion it seems that the word privilege is the sticking point. We could have the why (un) on one side and FAQ sheet to discuss privilege on the other side. Hand it out to new folks
Lance: going one on one is a good way to deal with these discussions
Bill: this can be handled with flyer. Discuss issue in terms of institutionalized racism
Kate: we need to reflect our group agreements of respecting each other. It needs to be honored
Amalia: the intent of the person last week was “mediation”. No malice.
Elaine: will send draft to website for comment