GA notes 12/20/11
Friday GA
Jan 17th Action
Leonard Peltier March for Human Rights
X-mas day action
New Working groups
-General Outreach working group (Contact Racheal)
-March to Santa Fe working Group (Contact Jessica)
-Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign has offered do give a training session for those interested contact beth at [email protected])
-Maria will get more info on the Metropolitan Homeless Project for those interested in participating on xmas day and present that on thursday’s GA
-This thursday at 10 am at Peace and Justice is a move to amend meeting.
-Wednesday conference call for the 17th action at 6pm Contact Sebastian if you want to be on it.
Item #1 Jan. 17th
How do we want to approach this?
General feeling seemed to be in solidarity with the plans the Santa Fe working group has been organizing, which are:
– 11am leave from the Santa Fe camp to march to the legislature
– they have already written a mic check
– Then there will be a press conference which (un)occupy/occupies will attend
– Then there will be a GA from 12-4/5pm
– Then go into working groups
– Then Teach-ins
Other notes on that: Dress code- formal dress, Occupy Santa Fe has been working on bill proposals. For more info contact Sebastian (info listed under forums)
Agenda Item #2: The Friday 12/23 GA
-will be held at 6pm on Friday
Plan of action
– arrive a bit before 6
– This will be semi-scripted to make it easy to understand from an outside viewpoint
– We will be using the human mic
– 1st announce camp agreements
– 2nd announce when/where our next GA will be
– Then we will ask people to share personal stories relating to their hardships during xmas, ways to make gifts, and responsible/local places to buy gifts.
Agenda item #3 Leonard Peltier March for Human Rights
-LP is a political prisoner/ human rights activist that has been falsely accused and held prisoner for over 35 years.
-This march started on Dec 18 at Alcatraz in California and will end in May in D.C.
-It will be passing through NM in early Feb.
-One of the actions ( the next working group meeting on Tues at 6 at the Frontier to find out more) happening on Jan 17 “People Walk to Sana Fe” has committed their March to being in solidarity with the march for Leonard Peltier. GA consensed to this.
-For more info contact Peter at [email protected]
Agenda item #4 New Years Revolution
-We need someone from the anti-capitalist group to come speak on this.
-other ideas for New Years: some sort of piñata/zozobra thing to represent the New Year and to be able to burn/beat the shit out of something resembling a polititian/dollar sign/etc.
Doing caroling with the modified ragging grannies songs.