We had a visitor from Occupy Boston asd another from Occupy Wall Street.
Good discussions!
- Cesar Chavez March this SATURDAY, 3/31 @ 1030am beginning at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. Come and participate!
Lora will be setting up a booth with LULAC @NHCC. Stop by for more info after the march! - Anti-Capitalist Group members are organizing a slate through ASUNM. Spread the word!
- Next May Day Working Group meeting is next Wednesday, 5pm @ 714 4th St. SW.
- Mock Wall Action is being shared through postcards, any additional events or actions happening that week can also be put on the postcard. Deadline for this is Tuesday, 4/3/2012. Events can still happen even if they are not being advertised.
- The OWS Caravan is postponing their travels but (un)Occupy has expressed interest in welcoming them when they decide to stop through Albuquerque.
Agenda Items:
May Day- How does (un)Occupy want to get involved?
- Joint Action between Immigration Support groups and Anti-Capitalist Group.
- Festival of some sort; with public art, food and music etc…
- Create a bilingual pamphlet that educates us on the connection between capitalism and immigration.
- Get the students and professors included in a general strike.
- Encourage local businesses to address May-Day.
- Bus Outreach with bilingual information.
Community Outreach Groups
Which ones are still active?
PROPOSAL: At least one active member from each working group must attend a Sunday General Assembly and if they are absent, they must attend the following Sunday or that working group will be considered inactive.
The proposal was tabled for consensus at Sunday’s general assembly.
Until then, we will request a temperature check on the status of our groups and then go from there.
Matt from OWS is attending the White Privilege conference and will be talking about Occupy in a panel discussion Saturday at 10:30a.
Agenda item for next GA: Casual conversations about our constituencies with in personal groups from our communities and how we can share the information we get from the general assemblies with these groups.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.