Tues. 12/27 GA Minutes

There were about 12 people
Jessica- Facilitator
Maria B.- Notes

Weekly call on Mondays @ 8PM. Cities in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street Movement- 2 folks have represented (un)Occupy Albuquerque so far. Link: e-mail: [email protected]

Coalition of Citizens will meet 12/28 6-8PM Folks are gonna go to this.

Occupy the Courts/ Move to Amend working group meeting Thurs. 12/29 at 10 AM Peace and Justice Center.
Leonard Peltier Walk for Human Rights- walkers are doing well. Detour to meet with Danny Glover, but back walking again. Mostly small roads, lots of cops but no shut down. They have not decided their route through NM but should arrive between 1/27 and 2/7. There are about 20 people walking.

Weekly Sype conversation with Statewide Occupy’s re: Jan 17th on Thurs. 12/29 @ 6PM see: Sebastian

Working Groups:
The People Walk to Santa Fe in Solidarity with Leonard Peltier– they are debating which place to start from either Yale Camp or Bernalillo Train station. Anyone wanting to walk should talk to Jessica

Foreclosure Working Group– Have met but attendance is down due to the holidays. Would like to go to the city council to ask “Where is the money promised to fight foreclosures?” Also idea to go to houses currently foreclosed and pick up trash, then dump at Bank of America with signs. A woman going through foreclosure actions has asked for help from our working group- gave some of her story- she is meeting with United South Broadway Wed. 12/28. We will have a better idea what is next step after hearing what happened at that meeting. She is a fighter. Bank of America holds her loan.

Mall GA– was a success! Went for 5-7 mins. 15 people attended. well received, clapping and joining in on the human mic. Well Done!

New Year’s Eve luminarias- Sat. 12/31 bring bags to the Peace and Justice Center parking lot between 4-6. Meet up there at 6PM. Lovely design ideas…consensed on one..We’ll make our design and then stand on Central and Yale Park for sign holding.

New Year’s Revolution– this Friday 12/30 from 1-4 meet at Robinson Park–10 or so stops along the march through downtown, ending at Robinson Park. Everyone took responsibility to call organizations to remind them to -email folks to remind to attend.

Jan 17th Santa Fe Roundhouse Action– there is a skype conversation with statewide participation on Thurs. 12/29 6 PM. Sebastian can hook it up if you are interested. There is an event page on Facebook. There is a call out for artistic participation, open to artists and all the community. For those in Los Lunas, there is a train that will arrive in Albuquerque at 9:35 AM…so people can get on in Albuquerque and share the ride. Goal is to encircle the roundhouse @12 noon. Maria posted the facebook info on this website. Look under forums/ Jan. 17th action

Occupy the Courts is building for action on Jan. 20th, 2012. Nation wide call in solidarity with case by Citizens United in which corporations are not people and free speech is not money. They are working on getting a permit to meet at the federal courthouse. Their working group meeting is Thurs. 12/29 @ 10AM at Peace and Justice Center.

Request for Endorsement:
Andy has requested that (un)Occupy Albuquerque endorse the national call to action named Occupy the Congress on Jan 17th, 2012 in Washington, DC. They are asking for a liaison from NM, someone to participate on a listserve, also to promote this action via our own sites and in local media. The GA consensed that we would endorse and that our participation in the J17 Roundhouse event is in solidarity. We also agreed that Andy would be our liaison. Camilo has mentioned possibly going to DC to attend this event.

No person or Working Group will apply for permits or injunction or file a law suit on behalf of (un)Occupy Albuquerque without consulting our legal team and having consensus from the (un)Occupy Albuquerque General Assembly

we agreed to wait for consensus on this proposal until more folks had a chance to hear about it and to think about it, see it in writing. More discussion to follow at future GA’s.
Meeting concluded.

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