Fundraising Dinner and Roast for Betita Martinez Tomorrow

(Betita) ”…is inimitable, irrepressible and indefatigable …” Angela Davis.

Fundraising Dinner and Roast honoring the work of Elizabeth “Betita” Martínez in New Mexico
500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures & “El Grito del Norte”
Saturday December 10, 2011
803 La Vega Dr. SW
6:30‐ 9:00 ($10.00 donation suggested, children free)
Betita has edited over 10 books and hundreds of articles on Chican@s, racism, SNCC, local, national and international politics, women, activism and movement building. She is a leader, a model, a mentor, a co‐worker and a tireless activist promoting movement building across culture and class lines. She has focused on forming alliances and understanding between those that believe that another world is possible.
Betita began her activism in the South becoming part of the Student Non‐violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and managing the SNCC office in New York City. She edited Letters from Mississippi and helped other Black leaders publish their writing.
Betita, came to New Mexico, along with Maria Varela, who also had worked with SNCC, at the invitation of Reies López Tijerina. The women ended up doing valuable work in New Mexico, although not with the Alianza. Betita co‐founded, El Grito del Norte, in Española, New Mexico, with the help of others, she edited 450 Years of Chicano History in Pictures which later was published as 500 Years of Chicano History in Pictures and helped with the formation of the Chicano Communications Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. If you type in Elizabeth “Betita” Martínez you will get numerous hits on the internet that give insights to the global, multi‐cultural and multi‐class reach of her work.
Today, Betita has had to leave her home of many years, and is living at the Buena Vista Manor an assisted‐ living home in the Bay Area. If you can’t attend the dinner and roast, you can attend another activity at the University of New Mexico’s (UNM) Zimmerman Library on December 12th, her birthday. A movie showing and sharing of her works will take place at 10:30 AM and at 7:00 PM in the Frank Water’s Room. If you can’t make it to either of these events you can also donate to BBF’s list (Betita’s Best Friends List) and get updated information by e‐mailing: Tony Platt at: [email protected] in the Bay Area or call us at the number below for on‐going activities. La Lucha Continua!
Sponsored by Los Jardines Institute and La Mano Acafetada for information call (505) 301‐0276.

One Response to “Fundraising Dinner and Roast for Betita Martinez Tomorrow” Subscribe

  1. maria December 11, 2011 at 11:14 am #

    I attended the dinner in Betita’s honor last night. She is having her 86th birthday on Monday!
    I heard many stories from her friends and colleagues from her days here in NM.
    I heard conversation about so many events and people who have been in the struggle for social justice here forever.
    I will post a list of organizations that I heard mentioned:

    Cooperativa Ca~noncito
    Chicanos Unidos Para la Justicia
    Chicano Communication Center
    La Gente Clinica- Santa Fe
    Veneceremos Brigade
    UMAS_ United Mexican American Students- UNM student group
    Las Chicanas- UNM women’s student group
    1970 Earth Day- Sewage Plant Demonstration in Albuquerque
    El Caracol -newpaper
    El Grito Del Norte- newpaper
    Sin Fronteras-newspaper

    As a participant in (un) Occupy Albuquerque I felt inspired and buoyed up by the amount of work and struggle that I heard discussed. The level of discipline and trust that existed between folks to keep fighting and to be present for one another was really inspiring. We are just a baby little movement in perspective of all the work that has gone before us. (un) Occupy Albuquerque joins a long line of struggle and we should be proud of all the work that Betita Martinez has done and the work that people continue to do.
    Come to the Zimmerman Library Frank Waters room on Monday 12/12 at 10:30 AM to watch a documentary and hear her work read. Then At 7PM in the same place a second showing and reading.
    So glad I was able to attend. Don’t miss this GREAT chance tomorrow!